Sri Emas International School cheerleading team, Zelts, cheering their hearts out at the Cheer Out Loud Cheerleading Competition 2023.
Ready, go! Give me a V, give me an R, V-R-so proud of you!

A special shoutout to our Sri Emas students for cheering their hearts out at the Cheer Out Loud Cheerleading Competition 2023 held at Sunway Velocity Mall from the 3rd to 5th November!

With lots of hard work, dedication and passion, the girls wowed the crowd and managed to bring home a for the PeeWee Level 0 category.

Let’s give a round of applause to our — Thea, Makayla, Ji Kate, Leah, Chanice, Yi Y’ng, Abinaya, Tze Jane, Zi Qi, Alena, Chelsea, Hui Ching, and Nadyne!

They did so well and we couldn’t be more proud of them! Join us in congratulating them in the comments below!